
3D MicroEndo

Endodontists located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

If you have a tooth that lacks fully developed roots, your risk of internal decay increases. At the 3D MicroEndo offices in the Upper East Side, Gramercy Park, and Tribeca neighborhoods of Manhattan, the expert endodontists provide apexogenesis to encourage the development of tooth roots and protect your teeth. Call your nearest New York City office or make an appointment online today for innovative endodontic care.

Apexogenesis Q & A

What is apexogenesis?

Apexogenesis is a pulp therapy that encourages tissue growth and keeps the pulpy interior of your tooth alive. It helps immature teeth continue to develop and close open apexes. Both children and adults might benefit from apexogenesis.

The team at 3D MicroEndo uses one of two materials during apexogenesis: calcium hydroxide powder or mineral trioxide aggregate. These materials stimulate the growth of dentin, which closes the open tip of a tooth’s root and thickens the dentinal walls. It protects the pulp inside your teeth, preventing decay and necrosis, which could lead to tooth loss. 

Why would I need apexogenesis?

The team at 3D MicroEndo uses apexogenesis to treat immature teeth that haven’t formed completely and to repair damage to the roots of your teeth from severe tooth decay. The procedure is often helpful for children whose adult teeth haven’t developed as expected. 

You might not have any symptoms that indicate a problem with your tooth roots. In many cases, your dentist or endodontist diagnoses a problem with routine dental X-rays. 

What happens during apexogenesis?

Apexogenesis is similar to a root canal treatment. Your endodontist numbs your tooth and the surrounding tissue before making a small opening in the tooth. They remove any decayed or damaged tissue and carefully clean the inside of your tooth. 

Then, they place the apexogenesis material into your tooth and finish by filling your tooth with a biocompatible material and sealing the tooth. You have several follow-up appointments so your endodontist can monitor your response to the treatment and check that your tooth is developing and your apex is closing. 

What should I expect after apexogenesis?

You can ease any post-treatment discomfort by applying ice or taking over-the-counter pain relievers. You can brush and floss your teeth normally but should avoid chewing on the treated tooth for a few days until any swelling or discomfort subsides. 

You also have frequent follow-up appointments with the team at 3D MicroEndo so they can monitor your progress. Most patients have checkups and X-rays every couple of months until your apex closes, and your tooth restoration is complete. 

If you need innovative endodontic treatment such as apexogenesis, call 3D MicroEndo or make an appointment online today.